Lili Margo supports Reforest'Action for World Environment Day!

Lili Margo soutient Reforest'Action à l'occasion de la journée mondiale de l'environnement !

Since 1974, World Environment Day has been celebrated every year on June 5, hiring governments, businesses and citizens to tackle urgent environmental challenges.

This day was initiated by the United Nations, and highlights a specific issue each year concerning the environment. The goal is to work for the well-being of the earth for a safer and more prosperous future.

As a natural and eco-responsible French brand, we are committed to supporting reforestation on this 49th anniversary of World Environment Day.

Reforestation is a company whose main activity is to support reforestation projects.

The trees are at the heart of our lives and yet we often ignore the majority of the benefits they bring to our daily lives.

Did you know that forests are the 80% source of the biodiversity of the earth?

They feed us and protect us. Trees are necessary for our survival. They are oxygen generators without which we could not live. They are also soil protectors to ensure our food safety.

Lili Margo is therefore grateful to the nature of drawing on its resources to create products composed essentially of French assets in order to avoid the transport of raw materials. We also use a 100% French supply chain and prefer to transport the last kilometer by bike.

Finally, concerning the composition of our products, they are essentially created from plants, fruits and flowers with an average of 95% naturalness. In addition, Lili Margo products are eco-designed with secondary packaging recyclable at 99.9%. We favor invercote® paper with integrated intercalaries, which allows us to avoid significant waste of material.

This is why Lili Margo is committed to creating a forest throughout the month of June with the sales generated. For each order, which we sell during this month, a tree will be planted.

Let's consume together in a sustainable, fair and ethical way, and are involved in the restoration of ecosystems to stop and reverse this damage!

Let's go from the exploitation of nature to its healing ...